Monday, May 10, 2010

First day as a blogger!

Today is my first day as a blogger. I have been stock piling information and things I want to share with others.

I have always been timid when it comes to doing things like this but I have decided today is the day to cast away those fears.

This weekend I spent most of my time learning new things one of items hot on my list is the E-Myth Contractors and how to improve business. I am not a contractor anymore but my business is surrounded by contractors. I am in pursuit to help find ways to improve their business and help them through these challenging times.

Here is a quote from the book that I would like to use as a starting point for discussion.

A quote:

Money: You can't live with it, and you can't live without it. But you better understand it. Because until you do, it will eat your business for lunch!

Your thoughts